Competent Help With Your Small Business Computer and Technology Needs


Your Business Data


How long could your business go without the ability to connect to the internet, accept orders, pay employees... even check email?  Is there another backup located in a geographically separate area in case of fire or burglary?

Priority one at Portland Computer Guys LLC is protecting your data while keeping it available to your small business.  We work with you, respecting your workflow and internal processes, to make sure the data you need is available all the time, in the form your business requires.

We will make certain your data stays secure... and available.  

IT Management:
Order from Chaos

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Most small businesses simply don't require full-time IT staff. Nobody in the office likes to be pressed into service as "the IT person", and the occasional technician from MegaCorp isn't likely to remember your systems from one visit to the next.

We can help you concentrate on running your business, not your Information Technology. We will make certain your computer systems are safe, reliable, and ready to support you.

Let Portland Computer Guys LLC be your on-call IT department.

The Benefits of
Technology, Tamed

We can help you make the most of the IT assets you already have, and the services you already pay for.

One example: many companies pay for a service that allows them to access their office PC when working from home.  There's no need to pay monthly fees for this service, though - it's free, it's already built in to every professional copy of Windows and Mac OS, and it's compatible with the office router you already have. Further, you can use it to work from any PC, Macintosh, iPhone, iPad, or Android device at no additional cost.